1 Solution to Load The Entire Data into POS Software

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Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

Why load the entire data into POS software?

Product List – Employee List – User Rights – Supplier List – Customer List,…

As soon as your store goes into operation, you will certainly need to process a lot of data that needs to be put into sales and warehouse management software, with thousands of items or hundreds of thousands of items that must be maintained in the store. In addition, you also have to update the software with a list of hundreds of thousands of customers, suppliers, employees, etc. Obviously, putting a large amount of the above data into the software will be a huge task, take a lot of time, and require many employees to implement. And even if you continue to do so, there is no guarantee that the data entered into the system is error-free.

Or you want to switch to another Sales POS Software that is faster, easier to use, and more user-friendly.

It is Critical  →  BUT takes a lot of time  ☹ ☹ ☹


How to import your database or old POS data to Sivib POS Software?

  • Now, however, with a smart data preparation tool, the process has become faster and more accessible to a wider variety of users.
  • Sivib POS Software helps your business load the entire data from the Excel files to lessen your startup struggles.
  • Learn more about load entire data, check out these getting started guides:
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

Steps Are Involved in Load The Entire Data Processes

1. Suppliers, Customers, Employees,…

Step 1: Select Object type (Supplier or Customer or Money fund or Bank or Employee or Store)

Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

Step 2: Press Add button

Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

Step 3: Press Excel button

Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

Step 4: Select Excel file  →  press OK button

Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software


If you want to import List of Customer (Supplier / Employee) from avaliable Database.
Step 5: Press “SQL Server to Excel” button

Step 6: Connect to SQL Server

  1. Choose Database Name in SQL Server
  2. Choose Table Name in this Database
  3. Select Path for save file
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

2. Product List

Step 1:

  1. F10 / Common / Product
  2. Press Add button
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

Step 2: Press Excel button

Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

Step 3: Select Excel file  →  press OK button

Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software


If you want to import Product List from avaliable Database.
Step 4: Press “SQL Server to Excel” button

Step 5: Connect to SQL Server

  1. Choose Database Name in SQL Server
  2. Choose Table Name in this Database
  3. Select Path for save file
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

3. Beginning inventory

Step 1:

  1. F10 / Accounting / Choose Account period
  2. Choose 156
  3. Right click / popup menu: select Add
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data - Beginning inventory
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data - Beginning inventory

Step 2: Press F10 key

Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data - Beginning inventory
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data - Beginning inventory

Step 3: Select Excel file → Finish

Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data - Beginning inventory


If you want to import Product List from avaliable Database.
Step 4: Press “SQL Server to Excel” button

Step 5: Connect to SQL Server

  1. Choose Database Name in SQL Server
  2. Choose Table Name in this Database
  3. Select Path for save file
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Providing initial data in Sivib POS Software

4. Reward point

Step 1: Revenue Debt Management

  1. Choose Account period
  2. Choose Customers or Suppliers
  3. Press Check button
  4. Press New button
Load the entire data preparation tool - Reward point in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Reward point in Sivib POS Software

Step 2: Press F10 key

Load the entire data preparation tool - Reward point in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Reward point in Sivib POS Software

Step 3:
Select Excel file (Customer or Supplier) → Finish

Load the entire data preparation tool - Reward point in Sivib POS Software
Load the entire data preparation tool - Reward point in Sivib POS Software

Learn more about the Negative Sale function

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